This week I baked a Chris Farley challah! His character Matt Foley, the motivational speaker who lives in a “VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!” is probably Farley’s most memorable. Seeing all the SNL50 shows a couple weeks ago, I’m reminded how amazingly funny Chris Farley was and what a terrible loss it was for us all when he died. I really like the details I was able to pull off in this challah (yeah, he’s sweating). Remember kids, be careful or you’ll be living in a van down by the river. Whoops-a-daisy! Shabbat shalom!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #ChrisFarley #VanDownByTheRiver #MattFoley #SNL #SNL50 #SaturdayNightLive #BobOdenkirk #SecondCity
This week I baked a Kendrick Lamar challah! I know you’ve seen this meme around the last couple of weeks and now it’s in challah-form. Listen, I made this challah a few days ago because I’m traveling today, but I don’t want y’all to think I’m not crushed by the news that came out yesterday. I struggled with whether or not to post it, but I decided that I am here to uplift and spread some Jewish joy as my part of “tikkun olam” or “repairing the world.” As we grieve, we need to be strong and not let them break us. Baruch dayan ha’emet and Shabbat shalom. 🧡🧡
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #KendrickLamar #Kendrick #KDOT #KendrickLamarSuperbowl #bibas #heartbroken #WhereIsShiri
Challah line drawing by lifeking83
This week I baked a Whomping Willow challah! Yesterday was the wonderful holiday of Tu Bishvat, the holiday for the trees. Of course, I had to make a tree-themed challah (with Mr. Weasley’s flying Ford crashed in it). I’m loving that my collection of Harry Potter themed challot continues to grow too (see: Hagrid, Dumbledore, Hippogriff). WHOMP! WHOMP! Chag sameach and Shabbat shalom!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #JewishHolidays #WhompingWillow #HarryPotter #HarryPotterFanArt #TuBishvat #trees #LoveTrees #HolidayForTheTrees #ValentinesDay #valentines
This week I baked a Dog Man challah! He’s got the head of a dog, sewn onto the body of a man (peep the stitches on his neck). There’s a new animated movie out the other day and it looks totally fun. Did you read Dog Man? And remember, it’s your story, kid. Color it any way you want! Shabbat shalom!!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #DogMan #CaptainUnderpants #DavPilkey #DogManMovie #scholastic #animation
This week I baked a Lunar New Year Snake challah! A happy and prosperous new year to all my friends and family celebrating the Lunar New Year and Year of the Snake. I love that Jews aren’t the only ones who follow a lunar year, they’re just shifted a bit from each other. The other amazing thing is how we as humans all celebrate some sort of holiday around our planet revolving once around our sun. Makes you realize we’re all so similar, even though many seem to focus on our differences lately. For this challah, I made red dough and used edible gold accents, but the red coloring came out a bit more pink than I would have liked. What to do you think?? Gong hay fat choy and Shabbat shalom!!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #ChineseNewYear #LunarNewYear #YearOfTheSnake #Snake #LunarNewYear2025 #StopAsianHate #NewYear #HappyNewYear #RebootJewish
Is that hyperpigmentation??This week I baked a Hyperpigmentation Meme challah! Wtf is up with this meme? I honestly don’t get it. Is it funny? Is it weird? I thought the video was sweet. So Shabbat shalom!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #hyperpigmentation #memes #challahMemes #memeArt #skin #dermatology
This week I baked a Tina Belcher challah! I’ve been wanting to make this one for so long but it just never happened...until today. And thus completes my collection of challahs in the shape of all Belchers from Bob’s Burgers. I also have the distinction of making the only challah ever in the shape of someone twerking HA! Tina is voiced by the hilarious and deadpan @thisisdanmintz Listen, she’s no hero, she puts her bra on one boob at a time like everyone else. Shabbat shalom!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #BobsBurgers #TinaBelcher #TwerkingTina #twerk #twerking #BobsBurgersFan #hulu #FoxTV
This week I baked a Hollywood Sign challah. We’re all helplessly watching what’s happening around LA with the awful Palisades, Eaton, Sunset, Creek, and Hurst fires. Just to put it into perspective, the wildfires have burned TWICE the acreage of Manhattan. Imagine that. Simply devastating. I urge you all to help out in any way you’re able. Sending all of the love to everyone in and around LA. Stay safe and shabbat shalom!
#ChallahArt #bread #BreadArt #BreadArtist #challah #ChallahBraiding #JewishFood #PalisadesFire #LAfires #LAwildfires #EatonFire #SunsetFire #HurstFire #CreekFire #LAstrong